Sunday, July 15, 2007

journel entry #10

Beach was very good. I spent to enjoying time. Actually my body was not good ,so I didn't go there.But my last classmate already should be a promise. I went there . I didn't oppotunity on beach.Anyway We took a bus .suddenly, I felt like a elementary student . when I was elementary school, I follow teacher and then I took a bus. By the time I thought it. Anyway All of Alp student took a bus and then got start on the beach. On the beach isn't located far.My luggage put on the tent and then we was walked away sea.I was scared the water. I am not swum. I avoid to do people, but some accident occured it . I and another classmate hit his shoulder and my nose ,so I split nosebleed. I felt sick but I forgot soon. We took a picture in ALP student and played in the water and we ate dinner. It's delicious . I was satisfaction.


Jimmy said...

I didn't know you got a nosebleed! I'm glad to hear it didn't ruin your day! If you don't like the water, you lay out and enjoy the sun! I know Koreans don't like getting tan, but you can still enjoy the sun if you wear sunscreen. Or you can just wait until evening when the sun is just about to set.

yeah Steve said...

you really did that? Did you avoid me? ...anyway, next time, we will go one more~with surf board.

Ricky.C said...

Oh~I am glad you were ok and enjoyed the beach. Who hit you? You can tell Mr. Ewing, and he will help you to revenge~